Why couldn’t a bridge be built over the Amazon River?
Surely you must have heard the name of the Amazon forest and you must also know that the world’s largest river also flows in the forest, which is called the Amazon River, but you will be surprised to know on which river no bridge has been built till date. What is the reason behind this? We are going to tell you in today’s post, so let us first know a little about the river.

About Amazon River
Amazon River is a river flowing through South America. It is a very big river, and its water flow is more than all the rivers present in the world. This river flows through Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia and Aqua Dor. The length of this river is 64000 kilometers. It is the second largest river in the world according to its length. This river is located in the Amazon forest. For this reason it is known as Amazon River.

Information about Amazon Forest
The area of this forest is about 70 lakh square kilometers. This rain forest works to provide 20% oxygen to the earth. More than 400 tribes live in this rain forest and some tribals also live here and among all these, some tribals are like this. Which does not have any kind of connection with the outside world, this river also provides economic help to the population living around it. This river provides employment to the people here in fishing, timber industry, agriculture and tourism. The number of people living on the banks of the Amazon River is approximately three crores. Now friends, the thing to think about is that when so much population is on the banks of this river, then it is obvious that development should be done for this population and the arrival of these people- To reach there, a bridge should also be built over this river, so that it becomes easier for the people living here, but till now there is no bridge on this river.
If we look at the speed of this river, then this river covers a distance of one and a half meter every hour and when there is a flood in this river, this speed becomes much faster. The waves arising in this river are very It becomes more dangerous and fast. Now it is even more thought-provoking that how long the river is and that no stone has been built on it. This is a matter of great surprise and due to speaking, the people living on the banks of this river are very worried. People have to face a lot of difficulties to meet their smallest needs.
Can a bridge be built over the Amazon River or not?
Friends, today our technology is so advanced that building a bridge even under the sea is not a big deal, but till date no bridge has been built over the Amazon River as we told you that Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world. And this forest is more than 50 million years old and we get 20% of the clean water going into this world from the Amazon River, the river of this forest. There are 9 countries around this river. If a bridge is built over this river, then these nine countries can be connected to each other through the bridge, but despite that, there is no bridge here, the biggest reason for this is the weather. When the weather here is normal, the width of this river is not so much that a bridge cannot be built over it, but when it rains, the crossing of three miles becomes 30 miles.
Why was the bridge not built over the Amazon River?
Although the width of every river increases during the rains, but Amazon is such a river in which it cannot be known from where the river will rise and which bank of it will sink after the rains, and that is why it is the largest river. The problem arises that where should the bridge be built and even if somehow a bridge is built on this river, then both the banks of the bridge will sink after the rains and there will be no benefit in building the bridge. And also the soil found on the banks of this river is very soft and due to this water the quantity of this soil keeps increasing and decreasing and if a bridge is built on this soil then during the flood time it will move along with this soil. The bridge will also be washed away and it can also pose a danger to the people because if this bridge breaks, then people passing through it can also lose their lives.
Apart from all this, there are small islands of water grass and vegetation present in this river and with today’s modern technology, it is not so difficult to overcome all these challenges and in a way, a bridge can also be built at this place. It could be done but this was not done. Another reason for this is that perhaps there is no need for a bridge at this place because the population at this place is very less and at the same time the roads here are rarely seen and the people who come here For them, this river is their way of life and the people here mostly use board or boat to go from one place to another because this board is the source of employment for most of the people living here, so many people living here. People’s employment will be lost, perhaps that is why the bridge has not been built here.
A bridge was also built over a tributary of the Amazon and friends, this is the year 2010 when a two-mile long bridge was built over the Negro, a tributary of the Amazon, which connects Manoj in Brazil and the submerged city of Iran. Bol was a very easy route for the people, but the Environment Department, after doing its research, after seeing this moment, said that if more such bridges are built over the Amazon River, then the population of people here will increase significantly.
Due to which the trees of this rainforest will start being cut and also the people who come here to see this river will also pollute this river by throwing garbage in this river and we have already told you that 20% of our earth’s surface is polluted. We get % fresh oxygen from the trees here and 20% clean water from this river itself. Now if a bridge is built over this river, then due to cutting of trees, the amount of oxygen will not only decrease but also pure water. This river will become dirty, no effort has been made till date to keep it pollution free.
Friends, many people say that there is a huge animal in the Amazon River in which it is very common to find Anaconda and they say that perhaps due to this reason a bridge has not been built on the Amazon but such a thing has not been said yet. It has not come to the fore, so the reasons we have told you are for the sake of understanding. You can tell us by commenting what you think is right. Is it not happening due to the Goa species of snakes and anacondas on the Amazon river? This is the reason for this. We told you it is correct, hope you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe our channel to see more such videos, see you in the next video, till then take a lot of care.
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