Save electricity how to save electricity
This is such a big question that always comes in the mind at the end of the month when there is a huge electricity bill in hand. Reducing the electricity bill is not only necessary for us but for the whole world because energy is misused in any form. are not correct. Yes, if we are using natural energy like wind or solar energy then it is not a matter of concern. But we should not misuse electricity, petrol, gas and other such fuels which we get with great difficulty and spending money.
Some tips have been written to reduce the save electricity bill. By adopting these, you can reduce your electricity expenses.
In today’s time, the budget gets shaken when the electricity bill, telephone bill comes more than expected. It feels very bad when half the salary gets spent in filling these bills. It is in the hands of the consumer to reduce the electricity bill to a great extent. There is a need to wake up in time, because once the bill is paid, we tend to forget and then at the end of the month it comes to our mind that we had planned to reduce the electricity bill.
How to save electricity
Answers to many such questions are found on the internet. Reducing the electricity bill is also a necessity and it is also the duty of all of us to stop the misuse of energy.

Get all electrical equipment checked & save electricity
Get all the electrical appliances in your house checked. Sometimes these devices consume more electricity than necessary. If you catch it in time, get those appliances treated or buy new ones as this one-time expense can save you from paying huge electricity bills every month.
Replace old equipment & save electricity
Generally we proudly say that our fridge, washing machine or TV is 20 to 25 years old and till date nothing has happened to it. But you are in a delusion, very old electrical appliances tend to consume more electricity. Due to which your electricity bill can be more than doubled, so make sure to check the old electrical appliances and if possible, replace them. This is a big reason for the high electricity bill.
Correct use of air condition & save electricity
Air conditioners consume a lot of electricity. Electricity bills are very high during summer due to air conditioners and coolers. For this, try that the temperature of the room you want to keep low. Don’t let too much sunlight come there. For this, use thick and dark colored curtains. And do not keep more lights on than necessary. Due to this, the temperature of the room increases and to reduce it, more air condition is required. If you are able to reduce the temperature before your remedy, then the air condition will consume less electricity, which will reduce the electricity bill.
Use LED bulb & save electricity
Use LEDs instead of normal bulbs at home, although they are a bit expensive, but they are helpful in reducing your electricity bill every month, which is a huge savings. Generally, this LED bulb is also bad. They do not happen, that’s why first of all change the bulbs of your house.

Remember to switch off & save electricity
Nowadays a person does not get time to eat or not. For that, it is very important to charge devices like mobile and laptop, but due to busyness and carelessness, mobile and laptop are charged, but they often forget or avoid switching off the switch board. This also consumes electricity. Even though they are less, but keeping this in mind, you can reduce the electricity bill.
Make sure to switch off the TV & save electricity
Due to the remote in the TV, we turn it off from the remote itself and many times even the set top box is left on throughout the day. Also, the switch of TV is not turned off many times for many days. This is a very bad thing. It is also the duty of all of us to save electricity and it saves your money, so do not be negligent in this way. Switch off both the TV and the set top box.
Use geyser properly & save electricity
In cold or anytime we need hot water we use geyser geyser consumes a lot of electricity and we always leave geyser on or turn it on and go to get water after few hours these are all very wrong habits | Turn on the geyser five to ten minutes before taking a bath. You will get enough hot water. There is no need to keep the geyser on for hours, if it is so that you are not getting hot water, then get your geyser checked or replaced, because the electricity bill can come up to 3 to 5 times more due to the failure of the geyser.

Use the microwave carefully & save electricity
Do not cook small things in the microwave, such as heating water or boiling potatoes. Cook only those things in the microwave which are good in the same because microwaves consume a lot of electricity. Make sure to switch it off as well and take care while keeping it on the preheat, only if it is necessary, otherwise avoid the preheat.
Use less tube light and bulb & save electricity
Pay attention to wasteful expenditure. Use low volt lights. Keep the lights on only in the room you are in, but keep enough lights on while reading and watching TV so that you can do your work without any hassle.
Use the press wisely & save electricity
If you press clothes at home, be careful. Don’t use useless press. This will reduce your bill.
Take care of the refrigerator & save electricity
Refrigerators are in everyone’s homes and are used in all seasons. Therefore, keep in mind that it is very important to clean the fridge from time to time. Which is very little noticed that due to the frozen ice in the fridge, the fridge consumes more electricity and the electricity bill comes more.
Use solar equipment & save electricity
Sun’s energy is the only energy that is available easily and for free and is available in plenty, so use its equipment, which will save energy and also reduce the electricity bill.
Remove old fans & save electricity & save electricity
Old fans also consume more electricity, if there is scope in them, fix them by adding grease, otherwise after many years, old fans should also be changed. When the fan makes noise while rotating and starts rotating after a long time after turning on its switch, then understand that it needs servicing and take proper care of it and if possible replace it, this also reduces power consumption.
There can be many other ways by which the electricity bill can be reduced. Save electricity, make the country, this slogan has been given by Prime Minister Modi some time back. We all have the right on the country’s energy, but we should also stop its wasteful expenditure. Often we go out of the house without turning off the fan and light switch, even when there is enough light in the day, we turn on the light and in the class room or office, we never turn off the electrical appliances out of concern because there We do not have to pay bills.
There is a story related to this when I was in the first year of engineering. At that time I was taught basic electricals by a faculty. He used to be very proud of the entire college. He often used to examine the students and used to give various kinds of punishments. Once at the time of recess, he came to our class. There was no one in the class at that time. He saw that the ten fans of the class room were running at full speed. Which none of us was aware of.
When we came to the class room one by one. We were made to stand on the bench and each one was asked do you know why you were punished? But none of us had the answer. That day and the day after that our whole class was punished. But we did not know the reason. After that they told us that we had left all the fans on. We all are going to become engineers so we should take care of it and stop misuse of energy.
Now whenever I see light or fan on anywhere without any reason, I switch it off first. Even if I do not have to pay his bill, but it is my duty to save the country’s energy.
To save electricity, parents should also teach their children so that they understand and all these things become a habit.
Today you have come to know from this blog that how to save electricity and from the story you must have understood its importance that saving electricity does not mean being stingy, if we keep using fuel at this speed, we will soon lose it all. The speed with which our development is taking place, we have started flying in the sky leaving the earth, which is taking us towards destruction.
Share this blog and inspire your friends and relatives to save electricity. This is our duty. We all just talk about rights and leave out duties.
For your ease and for everyone to understand quickly, we write everything in Hindi so that we can connect with you easily. This blog has also been written to make you understand the importance of electricity and other energy.
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