What do dreams mean in psychology | What do dreams mean in english

What do dreams mean in psychology | What do dreams mean in english

Dreams come to everyone. Every dream has its meaning and its fruit. There are two types of dreams, one which we see in deep sleep after sleeping, the other which we think for our golden future. Dreams are those which are not real, but a thought, which we wish to get in the future. The dreams we see in sleep are somehow related to our life.

What do dreams mean in psychology

Many times in dreams we see such incidents which are related to our past, or we see those which are going to happen in the coming future. Many times we dream at night as we think in our life, as we live in the environment. Dreams do not always remain incomplete, they are fulfilled many times, sometimes dreams are fulfilled immediately, and sometimes they give their effect after some time. According to astrology, every dream has some or the other meaning and meaning. Dreams are the mirror of our future, they warn us in advance for the coming troubles.

What do dreams mean in psychology

The city of dreams is in Paris, one of the 7 wonders of the world, whose name is the Eiffel Tower, along with various philosophical sites are also present here.

It is said that the dream seen in the morning comes true. I don’t know how much truth is there in this matter, but every object, person or event seen in a dream has some deep meaning. The better we understand the incident and its meaning, the more we will be able to know our inner feelings and deep secrets. Having the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. Remember, no one can understand your dreams better than you. Sometimes these signs seen in dreams make us worried. Every thing seen in the dream, the person, animal, emotions, mood, color, place, everything is shown in it, today I am sharing a small dictionary of dreams, reading these you can make your dreams very clear. Can understand.

If you want to understand the meaning of your dreams, then you have to remember what you saw in your dreams. Many people have this problem that they do not remember the dream, as soon as the morning comes, we forget what we saw in the night. In the morning, by putting emphasis on your memory, think about the dream, so that you will remember it, after which you will be able to understand its meaning by reading about that thing.

What do dreams mean in psychology

What animal symbolizes dreams

  • Dog -: The dog appears in different states in the dream. If a crying dog is seen, it means bad news is about to come. Seeing a dog means you can meet an old friend.
  • Cat -: Seeing a cat in a dream means that you can have a fight with someone.
  • Lion -: Seeing a lion in a dream means that your stalled work is going to be completed, you will get victory in the case.
  • Calf -: Its appearance is auspicious sign, it means you are self-sufficient and you are going to get money.
  • Camel -: Seeing a camel in a dream is not considered good. Seeing a camel while walking means that some physical problem may arise. Apart from this, seeing a standing camel means that you may face any kind of calamity.
  • Cow -: Different secrets are hidden behind the appearance of different types of cows. If you see a white cow in your dream, then you will get profit in the business of sugar and silver. On seeing Chitakbari cow, there will be profit in the business of interest. If you see milk coming out of a cow in your dream, it means that there will be profit in property and business.
  • Black Snake -: It is auspicious to see a black snake in a dream, it means that you will be financially strong and your respect will increase.
  • Snake -: Many people see snakes in their dreams, they get scared seeing it, and start feeling bad. But it is not so, seeing a snake or snake is auspicious, it means that all kinds of happiness and prosperity are going to come in your life.
  • Fish -: Fish is called the indicator of Lakshmi, its appearance means that you are going to get money.
  • Elephant -: Seeing an elephant in a dream is an auspicious sign, it is said that it increases happiness and prosperity in life. Elephant is seen in different ways, due to which there are different benefits.
  • See on Horseback -: This means that you will get a chance to move forward in your work.
  • Fall off a Horse -: This means that you may suffer loss in your work.
  • Pig Sighting -: This means that you may have some physical problem.
  • Fox -: You are going to get cheated by your very best friend.
  • Mongoose -: किसी शत्रु का जो आपने मन है, वो जल्दी ही दूर हो जायेगा.

Meaning of seeing an insect in a dream

  • Lizard -: Seeing a lizard in a dream is considered very inauspicious. The secret of the lizard is hidden in how you see it in your dream. If the lizard is sitting at one place, it means some accident or loss is going to happen. If a lizard is seen eating an insect, there may be theft in or around the house. But if lizards are seen running away in fear, then it can be an auspicious sign.
  • Honey bee -: If you see an umbrella full of bees in your dream, then it is auspicious, because of this there will be unity in your family. If a bee is seen sitting on a flower, it means that you are going to suffer loss in your business.
  • Bumblebee -: It is considered very inauspicious to see it in the dream, it means that someone is going to cheat you, as well as you will have to face some painful journey.
  • Scorpion -: Seeing a scorpion is both auspicious and inauspicious. Its result depends on the situation. If you see this in your dream, it means that a big responsibility is going to fall on you, due to which your respect will increase. Along with this, you will also get success in your works. If a scorpion is seen biting in the dream, then some kind of loss or damage is possible. Black scorpion is auspicious and white scorpion is inauspicious.
  • Monkey -: There can be a fight with family or friend, or there will be some kind of estrangement.
  • Firefly -: Difficult times are coming in your life.
  • Grasshoppers -: You will suffer loss in business.

Seeing relatives in dreams

  • Friend -: सपने में दोस्तों का दिखाई देने का मतलब है कि आपके दोस्त के जीवन को आपकी सलाह की जरूरत है. या आप चाहते है कि आपके दोस्त आपकी सुनें.
  • The Grandparents -: Their appearance means intelligence, a sign of love.
  • Parents :- You are going to get respect in your workplace.
  • Relative :- Seeing a relative coming to your house in a dream means that you are going to get new good opportunities.
  • Appearance of brother :- Can become your new friend.
  • Husband :- Seeing your husband in your dream is a good indicator, this will make your relationship stronger, and many happiness will knock in life.
  • Teacher :- Seeing a teacher in a dream is auspicious, it removes obstacles in life and brings success.

Seeing a festival in a dream

  • Wedding look -: Seeing something like this means that some big crisis is going to come in your life.
  • Celebration -: If you see yourself in a party, wedding or celebration in your dream, it means that you will soon go to someone’s condolence meeting.
  • Party -: It means you are very happy for something. Or are you missing an old party a lot.
  • Sedan -: It is not considered good to see a doli in a dream, it means that you are going to get into some kind of trouble.
  • Procession -: The wedding procession is also associated with marriage, just as it is inauspicious to see a wedding, in the same way, seeing a wedding procession in a dream is also not considered good.
  • Diwali Festival -: Enjoying Deepawali festival in the dream means happiness is going to come in your life, your life will be full of joy.
  • Engagement -: It is inauspicious to see matchmaking in a dream, it means that there may be a delay in your marriage, as well as there may be sudden unhappiness.
  • Farewell -: Seeing farewell is considered auspicious, it means you will get financial benefit.
  • Donation -: सपने में कन्यादान का देखना अच्छा नहीं होता है, ये संकेत है कि आपके जीवन में कोई दुर्घटना या संकट आ सकता है.

Dream of some kind of death

  • Seeing a dead person -: If you talk to someone close to you or a relative who is dead, in your dream, it means that some wish of the mind is about to be fulfilled.
  • Death -: Seeing your own or someone else’s death means that all the troubles in your life are about to end and something new is about to begin. Seeing a dead person means that your desired wish is going to be fulfilled.
  • Suicide -: This is a symbol of the fact that what is unbearable and not necessary in your life, take it out.
  • Evil spirit -: Seeing someone’s ghost in a dream is considered inauspicious, it means that you will have to face some kind of heavy loss in future.
  • Murder -: This is an inauspicious sign, it means that you are going to get cheated from somewhere.
  • Bier -: If patients see this, then it is considered good, due to which there are chances of their quick recovery.
  • Dead body -: It is good, it means that your fortune is about to rise.
  • Talking to the dead body -: It means that your wish is about to be fulfilled.

Dreams about fire

  • Burning lamp -: A lit lamp turns darkness into light, it is always a good sign. It means that your age has increased.
  • Smoke -: Seeing smoke in a dream means that you are going to suffer loss in business, as well as it is a sign of increase of diseases and enemies.
  • While Worshiping -: If you see yourself reciting prayers, it means that your problems are going to end soon.
  • Fire -: It is good to see fire in the dream, it is a sign of getting back the stopped money, but if someone sees someone burning with fire in the dream, then it is considered bad, because of this loss in business is confirmed.
  • Catch Fire -: Its appearance is a sign of wasteful expenditure.

Nature dreams (Dream meaning when view nature)

  • River -: Seeing this means your dreams are about to come true.
  • Watch lightning strike -: This means that you can get trapped in any crisis.
  • The sky -: It means you can have a son.
  • Rainbow -: It means that your health will be good.
  • Cloud -: It is a simple thing to see a cloud in a dream, but if dark clouds appear then there may be trouble in the future. If you see rain along with clouds, then it is a good sign.
  • The Stars -: It is good to see, it means that your heart’s desire is going to be fulfilled soon. It is considered very good to see the whole constellation in the dream.
  • Stone -: This is an inauspicious sign, it is an indicator of the coming calamity.
  • Mountain -: Its appearance is good, you will get progress in your life.
  • Ice -: It means that you are going to meet someone dear to you soon.
  • Garden -: It means you will get happiness.
  • Mango tree -: It means you are going to have a son.
  • Rooted -: This will give you longevity.
  • Moon -: Your respect will increase in the coming times.
  • Waterfall -: Your sorrows are about to end.
  • Dhup -: Your promotion is about to happen.
  • Seeing lightning falling -: you are going to be in trouble.
  • Lotus flower -: will get rid of all diseases.
  • Well -: Respect will increase in the society.
  • Honey -: There will be compatibility in your life.
  • Cuckoo -: Health will be good.
  • Pond -: Will face defeat from the enemy.
  • White flower -: Seeing a white flower in a dream means getting rid of some problem.
  • Red flower -: It means that your luck is about to change, you will be lucky.
  • Coal -: You are about to get involved in someone else’s quarrel.
  • Grass -: Seeing grass in the field means that money will be received.
  • Dung -: If you do business of cattle, you will get profit.
  • Flood -: You may suffer loss in business.

Body part dream (Sapno Ka arth when view body part)

  • Falling of teeth -: Falling of teeth in a dream is inauspicious, it is believed that you will have to face some trouble if you see this dream. This means that there is going to be some trouble on your brother and sister in your house.
  • Cutting nails -: This is a good sign, it means that you are going to get rid of all the diseases.
  • Bone -: This indicates that you will get your stopped money.
  • Cut off organs -: You will get a child soon by this, and the work done by your child will also be beneficial. But if you see your own cut off parts in your dream, then it is inauspicious, it means that one of your relatives is going to die soon.
  • Chopped head -: If you see your own chopped head in the dream, it means that you are going to face some kind of worry, trouble.

Dream of any kind of building (Swapan phal when view Building)

  • While building -: It is good to see a house being built or a building being built. This will give you progress in future.
  • Height -: Many people are afraid of height, they always have the fear that they may fall from height. They see this fear in their dreams as well, seeing it means that some trouble is going to come in life.
  • Fort -: reflects your physical body or reflects your potential and development. Also there is a hint of happiness.
  • Palace -: This is a good indicator, it means the troubles of the native are about to end.
  • Station -: It means that you will experience a pleasant journey in the coming time.
  • Graveyard -: It means that you will get monetary benefits as well as you will get respect in the society.
  • Shop -: Seeing an empty shop is considered bad, it causes loss of money, while seeing a full shop is considered good, it increases money.
  • Post Office -: You will get progress in your work.

Seeing metal in dreams

  • Getting Gold :- If someone is giving you gold in the dream, it means that you can get married soon.
  • Copper :- Seeing copper in a dream means that you are about to come to know about some secret and mysterious thing related to your life.
  • Iron :- It is considered inauspicious, it means that you are going to face some accident.

Dream of a vehicle (Sapno Ka Matlab when view vehicle)

  • Train -: It means that you will have to face some difficult journey.
  • Airplane -: It means that your luck is going to change soon, your good time is about to come.
  • Cycle -: All your tasks are going to be accomplished.
  • Ship -: There is a possibility of a long journey.

Appearance of a particular person

  • Children -: Seeing a child in a dream means that you do not consider yourself mature for any work, or you need to develop and mature in the work you are doing.
  • Crying child -: If a crying child is seen in the dream, it means that some disappointment is going to come in your life, some disease or some other bad news may come.
  • Seeing Laughing -: If you see yourself laughing, it means that you are going to be separated from someone soon.
  • Doctor -: It means you are going to have some disease.
  • Guest -: It means that some problem is going to come to your house.
  • Postman -: It means that some good news is going to come to your house.
  • Priest -: You are going to get progress in future.
  • Beggar -: You can travel.
  • Widow -: You are going to be harmed.
  • Girl -: Seeing a young girl is a good sign, it means that your marriage is going to happen soon.
  • Seeing a monk, a monk -: it means that your good times are going to start soon.
  • Seeing a sage doing penance -: it means you should donate.

Other things we see in dreams

  • Cheating -: Cheating on loved ones, this is a very common dream, which is seen by an emotionally frustrated person. Cheating does not mean that your partner is wrong but it means that you lack self-esteem, you feel guilty in yourself.
  • Flying -: Seeing yourself flying means that you see yourself free above. You feel happy and good. You can go on a journey.
  • Seeing God -: it means you are going to get a lot of money.
  • Tortoise -: You need right understanding, patience, there is lack of peace in your life, instead of running away in life, you have to walk slowly like a tortoise.
  • Seeing broken glass -: This dream is a bad sign, a sad event may happen in your life. The news of the death of a close one may come.
  • Open door -: It means that new beginning is going to happen in life, new friends can be made.
  • Earthquake -: In natural calamity earthquake is not the force of anyone, it can come anytime anywhere. Seeing this type of disaster in your dream means that some trouble is going to come in the life of your child.
  • Wall -: Seeing a wall in a dream means that your respect will increase.
  • Applying mascara -: You may suffer physical pain.
  • Seeing a closed door -: you will suffer loss of money in future.
  • Seeing yourself wearing glasses -: means your knowledge will increase.
  • Dung -: It means that you will get profit in your animal business.
  • Seeing a lamp -: it also means that money will be received.
  • Scissors -: It means that some kind of tribulation is going to happen in your house.
  • Lathi -: You will get fame.
  • Seeing moving around -: it means, some unknown enemy is planning to harm you.
  • Chasing -: Seeing someone running after you in a dream, it means that you are running away from some feeling inside you, you are getting nervous. The girls who see this dream, means they feel insecure around them.
  • Seeing yourself giving exam -: Seeing yourself giving exam in the examination hall means some kind of difficulty is going to come in your life, which will not be less than any test for you.
  • Seeing wearing a ring -: It means you will get a good beautiful wife.
  • Seeing green vegetables -: It means happiness is about to come in your life.
  • Jamun -: It means that the problems of your life are about to end.
  • Drinking water from the river -: Seeing drinking water from the river in the dream means that you will get benefits from your boss.
  • Cotton (cotton) -: The appearance of cotton means that the time has come for the diseases of your body to go away.
  • Giving a check -: It means that you are going to get the money of the ancestors.
  • Whip -: Soon you are going to have a fight with someone.
  • Seeing eating eggs -: It means you will have a son.
  • Eating almonds -: It means you will get money.
  • Seeing walking across the bridge -: it means that you should now work for the benefit of the society in life.
  • Eating green vegetables -: there will be happiness in life.
  • Watermelon -: Enemies will increase.

Here I have told you some things which are related to your dreams. Apart from this, there are many things, which give meaning to your dreams.

What does it mean to see the same dream again and again?

The meaning of having the same dream again and again is mostly that the sub conscious mind wants to remind about some forgotten thing.


Q: Why do dreams come?

Ans: Dreams are a special state of human mind, its human being is not in its human nature. Dreams neither come in deep sleep nor while awake, rather they come in the middle stage of both.

Q: What is the main reason for the coming of dreams?

Ans: The main reason for having dreams is your food habits and lifestyle. Along with this, the diseases of your body also have a special effect on the dream state.

Q: Are the dreams that come true mostly true?

Ans: No, according to research most of the dreams are meaningless, some dreams are related to our future.

Q: What is the effect of dreams on human life?

Ans: If you keep thinking mostly throughout the day, or suffer from some disease, then you may have dreams at night. Such dreams have negligible effect on the present and future of a person. If you get a challenge, a warning in your dream, then be a little alert and think about it, it is important.

Q: What measures should be taken to avoid dirty, bad dreams?

Ans: Having dirty nightmares means that you have negative things/energy inside you. You should change your lifestyle. Think positive things and move forward in that.

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