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ISRO full information, full form, where are the centers, chairman, headquarters, history


India is a developing country, you all know that gradually India is progressing a lot and increasing its prestige in other countries. In such a situation, science has also made a lot of progress in India, ISRO’s most important contribution is in this. In today’s time, if there is any talk related to science or space, then the name of ISRO starts appearing on TV and newspapers. In such a situation, the biggest question arises that what is ISRO and what is its full name? So, today we are going to answer these questions in detail.

What is ISRO?

The biggest victory of Indian science is ISRO, which in short means Indian Space Research Organisation. ISRO is India’s largest space agency, which takes care of the maintenance and maintenance of national space resources, along with new and big discoveries, India’s name has been illuminated not only in the country but also abroad. If we talk about the main office of ISRO, then it is located in Bangalore, whose entire department works according to the instructions of the Government of India and reports every work done in the Space Center directly to the Prime Minister.

Who Established ISRO?

India’s largest space center, which is located in the capital of the state of Karnataka, Bengaluru, is a place that has put in all its hard work to make India feel proud. It was built on 15 August 1959. The person who founded ISRO, who is considered as the father of ISRO, his name is Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai. Vikram Sarabhai was the main person who laid the foundation of this space research organization. If it is estimated in today’s time, about 17000 people are working in this space research. The most surprising thing is that all those scientists stay away from their families and have dedicated their precious life to ISRO.

Many Indian space programs were done by this research, which started in 1962. Indian research has left such a mark in the whole country that if the expenses incurred by them are estimated, then it is much less than the figures spent by ISRO. Even the maximum number of satellites have been launched by this research of India, such a record has been recorded historically.

Chandrayaan 3 Live Tracking

History of ISRO

A deep history is hidden behind the stage at which Indian space research is today. The secret behind this success of Indian space research is the hidden hard work and dedicated people towards the country, who have brought ISRO’s name to the top of the world today. ISRO is a name that dates back to the 1920s when scientist S.K. Mitra did many experiments to implement the ground based radio system in the city of Kolkata and the sound of the ionosphere. Later, some other well-known scientists of the country also came forward to formulate scientific theories, of which CV Raman and Meghnad Sahai were the main ones. Both of these also had an important contribution in completing the scientific principles.

After some time, around 1945, a time came when India started developing slowly, similarly many important developments were made in space research. In the decade of 1945, 2 great scientists who first of all contributed significantly to the development of ISRO with their thinking and understanding. The names of those two scientists were Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai. He created space research by doing many experiments, in which he first studied cosmic rays. Later he built a main study research laboratory and some schools and independent places by conducting air tests, deep underground experiments in Kolar mines and complete study of the upper atmosphere.

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There was such a passion in both of them that they carried out many discoveries and constructions. For this, he gradually started making research and encouraged the Government of India to show interest in his space research. This was a time when the availability of funds was very less, so he established the Department of Atomic Energy in 1950, which was used to generate funds for space research across India. There were some tests which were continued by the continuous scientists, including meteorological department, testing on aspects of Earth’s magnetic field etc.

It was not so easy to make the public of India believe anything related to space and space, so when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik 1 in 1957, everything related to space was to be believed in the rest of the world. Felt and everything related to space was also given importance. Only after that, in the year 1962, the Government of India decided to form the Indian National Research Committee. After that, the Indian National Research Committee, along with Vikram Sarabhai, the father of ISRO, built a rocket launching station for the study of the upper atmosphere, which was established at Thumba in Thiruvananthapuram.

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In 1969, the Space Research Organization was renamed as ISRO. Explaining the important role and importance of space technology to the citizens and government of India, Vikram Sarabhai had his important contribution in the development of ISRO and for further development, he gave ISRO an important place with necessary guidelines. Thus gradually through his significant contribution to ISRO, he independently provided many space based services to the nation.

What are the main functions of ISRO

There are many main tasks of ISRO which are as follows.

  • ISRO’s first main task is to make the complete design and development of the Space Launch Vehicle System and Sounding Rocket and to launch them properly in the space.
  • His second major task is to design and send communication satellites from time to time for telecommunication television broadcasting security requirements and social applications for the Indian public. So that we can use all types of television internet and radio etc properly.
  • They make appropriate designs of satellites and space-based systems for operation of large boats and completely oversee their development and realization.
  • To fully monitor the mapping of all types of resources received by nature, ISRO designs satellites, which are capable of predicting all the disasters that may occur on the earth in advance.
  • ISRO is also responsible for many management such as management of natural resources, disaster management, assistance and contribution to many social applications.
  • All the things related to space, rocket or any type of equipment have been made, then it is the main task of ISRO to check them completely and take good care of them.
  • One of the most important tasks of ISRO is to make such weapons for the country, with the help of which the people and government of India should always be ready for any kind of war or any secret mission.

How many satellites have been launched by ISRO so far?

If the success of ISRO is counted till date, then an estimated figure says that in today’s current situation about 105 satellites have been launched by ISRO towards space. ISRO has not only launched vehicles for India, but most of these vehicles have been launched for foreign countries. In the year 2019 itself, four spacecraft have been launched by ISRO so far, namely –

List of satellites launched by ISRO

So far 106 satellites have been launched by ISRO, out of which we are going to display here a list of some famous satellites in front of you, which are as follows –

S.N.Satellite NameYear of LaunchFeatures
1.AryabhataApril 19, 1975First Indian Satellite
2.Bhaskara – 1June 7, 1979First Experimental Remote Sensing Earth Observation Satellite
3.Rohini RS – 1July 18, 1980The first Indian satellite was successfully launched by the indigenous launch vehicle SLV.
4.Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment (Apple)June 19, 1981First Indian 3 – Axis Stabilized Experimental Geostationary Communication Satellite
5.Bhaskara – 2November 20, 1981First Indian satellite for Earth observation from orbit
6.INSAT – 1A (Indian National Satellite)April 10, 1982First operational multipurpose communication and meteorological satellite
7.IRS – 1A (Indian Remote Sensing – 1A)March 17, 1988First remote sensing satellite
8.INSAT – 2A (Indian National Satellite)10 July 1992First Indian Multipurpose Satellite
9.Oceansat – 1 (IRS – P4)May 26, 1999The first Indian satellite built specifically for Ocean applications.
10.Kalpana – 1 (METSAT)September 12, 2002First Indian dedicated metrology satellite
11.GSAT – 3 (GRAMSAT – 3) (EDUSAT)September 20, 2004The first Indian satellite which was specially built to serve the educational sector.
12.IMS – 1 (Third World Satellite – TWSat)April 28, 2008The first Indian satellite in which ISRO’s Indian mini satellite was used.
13.IRNSS – 1A (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System)July 1, 2013First navigational satellite in IRNSS series
14.Mars Orbiter Mission (PVOM) Space ScienceNovember 5, 2013India’s first Mars Orbiter, also known as Mangalyaan.
15.astrosatSeptember 28, 2015First Indian satellite with multi-wavelength space observatory
16.GSAT – 15 (Gramsat – 15)November 11, 2015Indian satellite used for communication
17.Swany – 1June 22, 2016The first Indian satellite to demonstrate passive attitude control was launched.
18.Microsat – TD (Microsatellite)January 10, 2018It was India’s 100th satellite in space, which was an Earth observation satellite.
19.GSAT – 31February 6, 2019It was a high throughput telecommunication satellite.
20.EMISATApril 1, 2019This satellite was for electromagnetic spectrum measurement, which is an Indian reconnaissance satellite.
21.Chandrayaan – 2July 22, 2019This was India’s second lunar exploration mission after Chandrayaan-1.
22.Chandrayaan – 314 August 2023This was India’s third lunar exploration mission after Chandrayaan-2.

Apart from this, since the establishment of ISRO till the present time, many vehicles have been launched towards space, which has such a long list that the world is not tired of praising ISRO.

How many ISRO centers are there in India?

ISRO, which has contributed significantly to the development of India, has brought laurels to India in the whole world in the last 50 years. Successfully Indian space research has so far established 20 important centers all over India. Different centers of Indian research have been set up in different states of India for different purposes. The main office of all of them is the space research established in Bangalore, which is also known as ISRO. Four main centers of ISRO are established in the capital of India, New Delhi, out of which two centers are in Dehradun and one has also been built in Lucknow. Apart from this, other centers of ISRO have been built in Shillong, Kharagpur, Hyderabad, Tirupati, Port Blair, Kerala, Mahendragiri, Thiruvananthapuram, Hassan, Bangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Mount Abu, Ahmedabad, Jodhpur, Udaipur and Balasore. All these are the main centers of ISRO, and all of them have been established in these states for different purposes.

ISRO scientists’ thinking, mission and their purpose

If the imaginary vision of ISRO scientists is to be thought or seen, then by using some research, they want to discover and know about such planets, which will be used a lot in our coming present times. It is going to happen. They want to promote their maximum and most appropriate space technology for national development, which will prove to be helpful for our coming future generations. If we look at the mission of ISRO, then their mission is to build a house on the moon, but if we talk generally, they also have some important missions and objectives which are as follows.

  • Their mission is to build some vehicles that can easily take us to other planets and help us find life there.
  • The most important mission of his mission is that after observing the whole earth, keep the earth connected through communication medium. Provided navigation based on guidelines, they want that by understanding the upcoming weather forecast in advance, India and the whole world can be kept safe for disaster management. With their untiring efforts, they are making such equipment and satellites, through which future generations will be able to get full benefit of all these facilities.
  • His mission is to make such an imaginary remote sensing satellite to monitor natural resources, which can scientifically help the government and ISRO scientists from time to time in fulfilling all the objectives related to our nature.
  • His most important mission is the social development of India so that India’s experiments in the matter of space are the best and praiseworthy in all countries.
  • One of the missions of all the machines of ISRO is that they also want to discover some such planets with the help of space science, which can provide a new format to the development and life of our earth.

Major achievements of ISRO

During ISRO’s tenure of 50 years, he achieved many great achievements, the main of which are the following –

  • On the 19th of April in the year 1975, for the first time, Indian scientists launched a satellite. It was named ‘Aryabhatta’ and was launched with the help of Russian scientists. Many countries had also congratulated India for the success of this launch.
  • By the year 2019, more than 105 satellites have been launched by ISRO, out of which most of the satellites were manufactured and launched by India for big countries like American and Russia. In return for the launch of these satellites, ISRO got a huge profit of Rs 700 crores.
  • The biggest and most important achievement of ISRO was Chandrayaan, from which he launched the Chandrayaan-1 campaign from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in the year 2008, on 22 October. This vehicle was released from the earth and it took about 5 days to reach the moon and it was brought to the moon’s orbit, in which it took at least 15 days to be fully established in the moon’s orbit.
  • After Chandrayaan-1 successfully worked for 10 months, space scientists completely lost contact with Chandrayaan-1. It was given a tenure of about 2 years, but contact with it was already broken. But even after this failure, Chandrayaan-1 had already completed 95% of its work.
  • Chandrayaan 1 was a huge success by Indian scientists, because this vehicle discovered water on the moon and hoisted the flag of India there and registered its name in the pages of history by becoming the first country to discover the moon. After collecting many strong proofs that water is present on the moon, Indian scientists sent it to many space agencies.
  • After 10 years of hard work, he again built Chandrayaan-2. About which you are able to get complete brief information through every media in today’s time.
  • After traveling to the moon, ISRO traveled to Mars in the year 2013, which was named Mission Mangal. The journey of Mission Mangal was about 298 days and 24th of September 2014 was the date when ISRO achieved a huge victory by fully installing Mangalyaan in the orbit.
  • Till 2013, no country was able to achieve success in this mission of Mangalyaan, so India got its name registered at number one in the historical pages.
  • Apart from this, in the year 2008, with the help of PSLV, 10 rockets were simultaneously launched towards space. The amazing thing is that PSLV is used to launch these light satellites and till now more than 70 satellites have been launched towards space with its help. Seeing its complete success, with its help, on 22 June 2016, with their tireless efforts, Indian scientists simultaneously sent 20 satellites into the Earth’s orbit and successfully installed them there.
  • When the first rocket launch station was built in India, the first rocket was successfully launched from Thiruvananthapuram towards space by Indian scientists. It was the hard work of Indian scientists that they got success in this launch.

In the end, in the complete and brief description of ISRO, we can say that ISRO has made its important contribution in the development of the country. ISRO and ISRO scientists are doing very inspirational and developmental work for the present generation as well as future generations. ISRO’s scientists have made the most important contribution in whatever success ISRO has achieved till date with the help of Indian government. Government and ISRO scientists together have brought laurels not only to the country but also to the people of India in foreign countries. In the future, ISRO’s effort is that they want to make a complete search for life on other planets as well and want that tomorrow if humans face any problem on earth, they can go to other planets and return home easily. Can settle

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