Complete information about lunar eclipse 28 October 2023. What will be the time and where will it be visible?

Complete information about lunar eclipse 28 October 2023. What will be the time and where will it be visible?

Hello friends, once again welcome all of you. Friends, the second solar eclipse of the year 2023 is going to occur on Saturday, October 14, 2023. This eclipse falling on the new moon date of Ashwin month is considered very rare and special. During this eclipse, three such amazing special collaborations are going to happen which are going to happen for the first time in several hundred years, so which one is that collaboration? What will be the exact time of the eclipse, when will the Sutak period start and how long will it last. In which countries will this eclipse be visible? Will this eclipse occur in India? We will talk about all these in detail, but before that, if you people are new to this blog then do share it.

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Friends, the month of October is going to be very special, two eclipses are going to take place in this month, on one hand, the second solar eclipse of the year will take place on Saturday, 14 October 2023, while on the other hand, exactly 14 days later, on 28 October 2023, The second lunar eclipse of the year is going to occur on Saturday, that is, in the month of October, eclipses are going to occur on both Amavasya and Purnima days in the month of Ashwin.

If two eclipses occur, it is considered extremely rare and inauspicious.

According to astrologers, if two eclipses occur within 15 days in the same month, it is considered very rare and inauspicious, then in such a situation the first solar eclipse of the year becomes very rare and inauspicious. Friends, if you have paid attention then you must have understood by now what other special feature is going to happen to you and what rare coincidence is going to happen. Friends, I told you that the second solar eclipse of the year will take place on Saturday, October 14, while the second lunar eclipse of the year is going to take place on October 28, 2023, that is, both the eclipse days are going to be read on Saturday, it is said that the eclipse will be read on Saturday. Eclipse is very rare and inauspicious, especially in the case of eclipse reading on Saturday, we must follow precautions, and here the two eclipses of the month of October, both of which are reading on Saturday, so you should avoid these two. Must have information about eclipse.

Will this eclipse be visible in India

So friends, let us know what type of eclipse these two eclipses are going to be and which one will be visible in India. During the eclipse, we have to follow the rules related to the eclipse. First of all, if we talk about the solar eclipse on 14 October 2023. Regarding the eclipse, it is going to be an annular solar eclipse. Annular shape means that this solar eclipse is going to look like a bangle. During the eclipse, the inner part of the Sun will become black and from all sides we will see the Sun in the form of a sieve. This eclipse falling on the new moon date of Ashwin month is going to be read in Virgo and Chitra constellation. This eclipse will be visible in West Africa, North America, South America, Pacific Atlantic and Arctic. This eclipse will not be visible in India.

In such a situation, the question in people’s mind is whether we have to follow the rules related to this eclipse, then friends, astrologers have two opinions about it. Some people say that if the eclipse is not visible in your country, then you can follow its rules. Even if you don’t do it then it doesn’t matter but some astrologers say that since there is only one Sun God then we must follow the rules related to eclipse and it becomes necessary to follow the rules of eclipse because 14 Navratri is starting on 15th October, the very next day of October. Kalash is established on this day, so here you have to follow all the rules which are followed after the eclipse, take bath, donate, sprinkle Ganga water in the house, all these rules must be followed so that you Next day, after getting purified, one can install the Kalash. Now let us know what will be the exact time of this eclipse. Friends, this eclipse will start from 8:33 pm on 14th October and the eclipse will end at 2:25 pm if we talk about Sutak period. If we talk about it, then you all would know that in solar eclipse, Sutak period starts exactly 12 hours before the eclipse i.e. Sutak period will start from 8:33 am on 14th October.

When is Sutak period and what does it mean?

However, the Sutak period will be valid only in those countries in which this eclipse will be visible. Let us tell you that exactly 14 days after October 14, the second lunar eclipse of the year is going to occur on October 28, 2023, and this eclipse is very special because it will be visible in India also. This will be a penumbral lunar eclipse. The eclipse is going to occur on the Shukla Paksha full moon date of Asana month. This eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, as well as in India. Due to it being visible in India, Sutak Kali will be valid in this eclipse. Friends, let us tell you that in a lunar eclipse, the Sutak period starts exactly 9 hours before the eclipse, in such a situation, if you know the exact time of the eclipse, then you can find out the time of Sutak period by subtracting 9 hours from it. Friends, the second of the year 2023. The lunar eclipse will be a penumbral lunar eclipse. This eclipse is going to last for about 4 hours and 25 minutes. The eclipse will start at 11:31 pm on October 28 and the eclipse will end at 3:56 pm. So the eclipse of October 28 is in the morning of October 29. Will end at 3:56.

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